Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008 at Dear's

The TLH Huffs had the blessing of traveling to Grandma Dear's for Thanksgiving. I was so grateful to see all three of my sisters. We all haven't been together in a long time. We enjoyed Dear's famous dressing and sweet potatoe pies and Tee Lexy's Red Velevet cake!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fall in North Florida

Fall in North Florida means the State Fair and the changing color of leaves...both a site to see!

Hannah Banana on the Carousel...nice weather out (no sleeves)

Sarafina riding solo for the first time!

We enjoyed a lovely fall night with the McCoy Family at the North Florida State Fair. The weather was great....not too cold and not warm. I did become a little frigid towards the end of the night; however, I stay cold. The girls, like always, enjoyed themselves. We all enjoyed GREAT food...Italian sausages, pulled pork, fried turkey legs, cotton candy, kettle corn, sweet tea (for only .75), soft pretzels, and funnel cake! Hannah played "chicken" this year and didn't ride as much as usual. Sarah would have rode everything if she was tall enough! Leonard rode with Trinity on the dare-devil rides! Vince isn't a "rider." Yet, he and Leonard did tackle the mechanical bull! LOL! Leonard got him by 1 second. Now that was a site to see! So grateful to be raising my girls with a great family like the McCoy Family! Stay tuned for more of our great explorations!
Before jetting off to the fair, the girls & I met with Paige at McClay Gardens for more pictures. The gardens are so beautiful this time of year. Here are a few pics that I took with my phone. Paige has posted some on her website...check'em out!

November HomeSchool Update

It's already November...time is flying. I cannot believe it has already been over 2 months since we started off on our homeschool adventure. The dining room remains our classroom for now... even though we have utilized the bed at times! :) The official classroom is still a work in progress. Leonard has installed the shelving in the closet to store ALL the books that we have accumulated. Thanks! Still in search for the "perfect" desk, but have tons of ideas...chalk board walls and magnetic walls and bright colors!
Hannah is still thriving and having fun. I think we have accepted the "unschool" method. The works gets done, but we aren't on a strict time schedule...tons of time to play and adventure out and just learn from life's daily lessons. Her reading improves daily. She started the homeschool book-it program and has set the goal of doing 15minutes of EXTRA reading five days a week! She is doing well with her dance as well. She is going to audition for "Alice in Wonderland" next Friday...say a prayer for her...she can be shy at times.
Sarah is approaching her third birthday (Dec 9th) and eager to learn! We are working on letter and number recognition and vowel sounds. She is doing well with colors, shapes, and puzzles! Her vocabulary is well above average and she surprises us daily with her new words.
Stay tuned,

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Birthday, Kennedy!

Last week was a very busy week....on top of every day school and housework...there was the election, ACLS (Advance Cardiac Life Support) renewal, and Kennedy's 6th b-day!

Finally got the McCoy Family (Adrienne, Vince, & the girls) to come join us for dinner at Los Compadres. The girls enjoyed getting their faces painted...the men watched the election unravel...the women played around with our cameras and laughed over the silliest things.

Hannah & Sarah slept over with the McCoys because I had ACLS the next morning. Was a little sad that they were not home with us when we learned who our next "President elect" was. :( But Adrienne assured me that they watched and celebrated as well.

So, after many hours of ACLS, headed to Zoinks to celebrate Kennedy's 6th birthday. Girls, again, had a great time. I didn't have my camera. But wasn't worried because I knew Adrienne would have hers....thanks for the great pics of the girls!

After three hours of play at Zoinks and much begging and crying, I took the girls to Build-a-Bear for the first time. It's a tradition in the McCoy home that the Huffs somehow got involved in....wonder why? Hhhhmmmmm......ADRIENNE! Didn't realize that building a bear was such an ordeal. First you have to pick out the bear, then you have to stuff the bear, then you have to pick the heart and do a ceremonial dance to warm the heart, next you have to bathe the bear, followed by a trip to the "dressing room" where you pick out an outfit & accessories for the bear. Lastly, the bear must be named and a birth certificate is issued! A girl could go crazy in that store and cost her Mommy alot of money for a BEAR! So, Hannah named her bear Sierra and dressed her in a "Hannah Montana" outfit. Sarah chose a Koala and picked a pink parka jacket. Told them that they would have to earn the accessories! Tanashia

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election 2008! Vote for CHANGE!

Maybe next year, Sarah

Guess who's behind there voting?

"My turn to be heard" - Hannah

Today is the day.....the day that the whole world will see what our country is capable of doing...electing the right man for President!

I must say that the girls have been just as excited as Leonard & I about today. Leonard stood in lines with thousands of others to vote early. The girls & I walked right in today ...NO lines... and casted our ballot! Hannah participated in "Kids Voting." Sarah kept reminding her who to vote for "Brocky Obama"....she's been watching Rocky (Balboa) with her was too cute :)

All three of us walked away with our "I voted" stickers! A right that many of our ancestors fought and died for (both for women suffrage & civil rights for blacks) ... a right that I will constantly remind my girls that is essential to be heard... a right that allows us all to be accountable...a right that should not be taken for granted! Tanashia

Obama / Biden 2008!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Jr Museum 11/3/2008

Fall is in the air! Had to pull out the jackets this morning. Met up with Adreinne and Stacy at the museum today. This was Adrienne's first time out with us since school started. She accompanied the older girls while they attended their homeschool class for the month. The animal of the week for "critter class" was the deer. Unfortunately, we were not able to get a look at the deer in the park, but the kids enjoyed themselves anyway. Sarah really enjoys this class. However, Mommy not feelin the cold weather to come so much ! Tanashia

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Aidan Update

Aidan is doing soooo well! He has grown soooo big...about 18lbs now. He is sitting up on his own and is a very happy little boy...even thought he fussed every time I picked him up. I think he was tired of me and my camera in his face. :) He's just sooo adorable. He celebrated his 1st birthday last month! He still has his G-tube for feedings, but thriving and well. Lord, I thank you! Tanashia