Thursday, August 27, 2009

"I told you so!", yesterday morning we had our routine 20wk ultrasound. The baby looks great & is growing well. Now the big question at these ultrasounds is "boy or girl?" Leonard & I had previously discussed that we would find out the sex of the baby. He told me to stop calling his baby girl Jeremiah (the chosen name for a boy). I had no gut instinct either way like I did with my girls.

So, the very nice ultrasound tech looks at us both and asks, "do you want to know the sex of your baby?" Leonard says, "No because I already know." Huh? So, she then looks at me and Leonard says, "if you're going tell her I'm going to leave the room." Huh? So, now she is looking at us like we are insane! To appease us both, she printed out an ultrasound pic, typed the sex on it, and sealed it in an envelope for us. Of course, I ripped it open as soon we stepped out of the exam room hoping to prove him wrong. He says as I open the envelope, "I told you so!"

Yes, he told me so! The TLH Huffs are expecting another girl this winter! I was actually quite relieved because I truly don't think I am a "boy's Mommy." Sarah has declared her name to be Maggie. Hannah still does not believe the baby is a girl. She was actually wishing for a baby brother "because I already have a baby sister."

My dear friend Adrienne took these cute belly photos for me for. I have NO belly pics of my previous pregnancies & she is insisting that I take at least one every couple of weeks. Hope to have some professional ones taken later in the pregnancy by Paige.

1 comment:

simplifry said...

Wonderful news! Congratulations!!