Thursday, October 30, 2008

Grandma's House We Go.... Dear's House that is!

Leonard had to travel to Pensacola for work this week. So, the girls and I took this advantage to travel with him to visit family there. We stayed three nights with Dear. She was very happy. I am glad the girls are getting to spend some quality time with her. She can answer ALL the questions that they have....that I can't answer about our family. Sarah loves looking at all the pictures that are literally EVERYWHERE! She's learning everyones' names and faces. We even were able to see Tonjas (my little- not so little anymore - cousin) and I was even able to sneak in a couple of pictures. Don't go anywhere without the camera! Everyone looks great and doing well. The big adventure for the week was helping Dear apply for a passport. Had to hunt down her birth certificate and figure out her parents' birthdays! Learned alot....Lexy even learned that Dear was born in Mississippi (not Alabama)....even I knew that one! :) So, hopefully Dear will be making her first trip out of the country to Trinidad & Tobago in January. One is NEVER too old to enjoy life! Lord, I thank you. Tanashia

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